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NATIONAL FATHER'S DAY PLEDGE AGAINST VIOLENCE (Thursday, June 15th, 11am, Capitol Hill Steps, Washington, D.C.)

JUNE 12, 2023 | 12 PM

Join fathers pledging for peace in our homes, in our schools, and in our communities, counties, and state––against interpersonal, intimate partner, gun and institutional violence.

The National Father's Day Pledge Against Violence is a nationwide movement to end violence in our country, state, homes, schools, and communities.

The first Father’s Day Pledge was held in NYC on June 2010 as a collaboration between NYC Council Member Julissa Ferreras and Quentin Walcott, Co-Executive Director of CONNECT, Inc. It struck a resonant chord with men of all ages, ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. In 2014, the Pledge went national, and was immediately replicated in more than 50 cities across the United States. The credit for this nationwide adoption belongs to former Rochester (NY) Councilman Adam McFadden, former President of the National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (NBC-LEO) and National Father’s Day Pledge Co-Chair Ineabelle Geena Cruz, Heels of Greatness/SAFER.

Today the Pledge is an opportunity for fathers, men, young men, elected officials, city activists and community leaders to join in a call to action to end all violence —understanding that violence affects us all, in every zip code, every ethnicity, every religion, and every gender either directly or through people we know. We encourage fathers, father figures, and men to take the pledge with their partners and families.









I pledge to...

  1. Never commit, condone, or remain silent about domestic violence, intimate partner violence, racial violence, or violence in our homes and communities.

  2. Educate myself and others to challenge attitudes that condone disrespectful behavior or degrading language.

  3. Take action to end all forms of violence with love, compassion and without judgment.

  4. Stand with courage, lead with conviction, and speak out to promote non-violence as the norm.

  5. Take action to end domestic violence and all forms of violence.

  6. Speak up and no longer stand as a silent bystander to violence and abuse.

  7. Challenge men who use sexist language and make degrading jokes or comments about women/others

  8. Confront attitudes in myself and other men that condone or encourage aggressive/ abusive behavior.

  9. Examine my own attitudes and beliefs about violence, power, control and entitlement.

  10. Talk with boys and young men about healthy and equitable attitudes and relationships.

  11. Actively work to involve men and others in violence prevention.

Me comprometo a...

  1. Nunca cometer, aprobar o permanecer en silencio acerca de la violencia doméstica, la violencia de pareja, violencia de pandillas, violencia racial, y la violencia en nuestros hogares y comunidades.

  2. Educarme a mí mismo y a otros a cuestionar las actitudes que justifican el comportamiento irrespetuoso o lenguaje degradante

  3. Tomar medidas para poner fin a todas las formas de violencia con amor y compasión y sin juicio.

  4. Defender con valentía, liderar con convicción, y expresarme para promover la no violencia como la norma.

  5. Adoptar medidas para poner fin a la violencia doméstica y todas las formas de violencia.

  6. Levantar la voz y ya no permanecer como un espectador silencioso de la violencia y el abuso.

  7. Desafiar a los hombres y otros que utilizan el lenguaje sexista y hacen chistes o comentarios degradantes sobre las mujeres.

  8. Hacer frente a las actitudes en mí mismo y en otros hombres que aceptan o fomentan un comportamiento agresivo / abusivo.

  9. Examinar mis propias actitudes y creencias acerca de la violencia, el poder, el control y el sentimiento de ser merecedor de todo.

  10. Hablar con los niños y jóvenes acerca de las actitudes y las relaciones saludable sanas y equitativas.

  11. Trabajar activamente para involucrar a los hombres y otros en la prevención de la violencia.

Sign the Pledge

I have read the pledge and I'm taking a stand against violence.


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